About quinse:
The brief items of informationon
The QUINCE (Cydonia oblonga) is cultivated in moderately warm strip of Eurasia and in Northern America for the sake of the fruits reaching weight of 2 kg. Its Simeon find application in medicine as laxative, slime from them use as enveloping means. The quince in an antiquity in the Mediterranean countries was considered as a symbol of love and fertility and has been devoted to Venus. Believe, that "apple of discord" which has handed over Paris to finest of three goddesses, was not than other, as a fragrant fruit of a quince.
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"CHAMPION" This grade more often has fruit under the form of a pear, and sometimes also under the form of an apple. This grade is still known under the name "Meisterquitte". This grade is recommended for home gardens, since has large, sour, fragrant fruit. It(he) gives average and high regular crops.
Muscat One of the most perspective grades of a quince, is received in 1963 from of some grades of free pollination. Differs the stable productivity raised by winter hardiness, good general stability. The tree low, forms round, not a dense a crone. Fructifies from 3 years age. Fruits in weight 250 the Thin skin thin.
Most popular product:
In opinion of the scientist.
The daily use of apples with the purposes of preventive maintenance of premature aging is necessary.
The scientists consider that
Three small apricots contain 50 % of day time norms beta-karotin, most powerful antyoksidant..
Less popular:
The best place for
a bookmark of a cherry garden flat slopes, rich enough nutritious substances,
with good air
The pear - culture of
a moderate climate, differs by durability: average life expectancy of
a tree on seeds 50-70 years
The grapes concerns
to group of plants most valuable for the man. It(he) surpasses apples, does not concede to a potatoes and milk at same weight of products.